The Spring Lecture, Wallace Neff, Master Architect, will take place at the Neff-designed St. Elizabeth Church. There will be an illustrated presentation by Co-authors Marc Appleton, Eleanor Schrader and Bret Parsons. They have put together a volume of Wallace Neff’s works as part of their series Master Architects of Southern California 1920-1940. The presentation will include details about their book and about the architect’s life and projects.
Wallace Neff, perhaps best known today as an “architect to the stars,” produced hundreds of exceptional designs that ranged from vernacular styles to grand mansions, reaching from Bel-Air to Santa Barbara to Hollywood and Hancock Park, with a proliferation of homes in the Pasadena area. His ability to work in a variety of styles with equal aptitude made him a favorite with those seeking the very best!
The presentation will be approximately an hour with questions followed by a light reception and a chance to meet the authors.